Saturday, September 22, 2012

Windows 8: How to Show Administrative Tools in Start Screen

The Windows 8 Start Screen doesn't show the administrative tools tiles by default. If you want to pin them or more easily use the search function to find them you will need to set them to be shown. Thankfully, this is very easy. Click Read More to find out how.

First open the start screen by clicking in the lower left corner or pressing the start button. Tablet users can also swipe in from the right and press Start.

Next you need to open the Charms bar. Desktop users can do this by pressing WIN+C or moving the mouse to the top or bottom right corner then moving the mouse to the center of the screen. Tablet users swipe in from the right. Once showing, press the Settings button.

Select the Tiles button

Click or slide the slider under "Show administrative tools" to show them. They will take a few seconds to appear.

You will get a bunch of administrative tools added to your start screen.

Select the ones you don't want and press unpin. To select on a desktop, right click the tiles you don't want. For touch users, tap on the tiles you don't want and move your finger up or down slightly. You can select multiple tiles at once.

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